Friday, August 12, 2011


"...the Savage retreated in terror, flapping his hands at her as though he were trying to scare away some intruding and dangerous animal." Pg. 193

     The Savage's reaction to Lenina's advances can be taken as an allegory-that is, once you get past thinking of Lenina as a dumb blonde who can't take a hint. Lenina is purely a temptation; self-gratification. John can be thought of as a trusted leader. Men or women in leadership/business roles spend years going through school, earning a credible reputation, and grooming social skills. Yet, when one of these leaders gets caught being sneaky or immoral, the fallout is enormous. They get labeled for life as a crook or a deviant. John is much the same. Because he came from a strange, intriguing background, he can be labeled in one of two ways. He can stay like he is, being a social oddity, or he can give in to Lenina, thereby initiating him into typical Alpha behavior. For John, he holds a much higher standard for himself. He is not nescessarily manipulating, but would rather Lenina come to him honorably, like a Shakespeare work.

1 comment:

  1. It's currently 11:15pm (your timestamps might be out of whack) and this entry, along with the next 5, are titled, but have no responses in them.
