Friday, August 12, 2011

A Challenge

"'... that I agree with the savage in finding civilized infantility too easy or, as he put it, not expensive enough.'"
  Pg. 159

     As soon as I read the last part of this quote, the phrase struck me as a relavent adage. Although I may be goin off on a tangent, John's description of this civilized life holds true for not just me but millions of people. Although none of us live in this "brave new world," many of us strive to make our lives better. Making life better comes at a cost. We must give up time, energy, and resources. Although many people work to rid out  social injustices like poverty and taxes, I believe we all need those challenges in front of us. We want the dignity of knowing we earned our keep. John is taken aback by this absence. Through his time in the Reservation and his study of Shakespeare, he learned that caring for something also takes effort. He comes in hoping to love his new world but finds nothing and no one of substance to love.

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