Friday, August 12, 2011


"...he was thinking of Lenina, of an angel in bottle-green viscose, lustrous with youtha and skin food, plump, benevolently smiling."  Pg. 139

     While writing this novel, Huxley had to employ several forms of diction. For one, he has his own narration, consisting of words like "lecherous" and "viscose." She msut also write in the dialogue of futuristic Londoners as well as savages, the equivalent of modern-day commoners. He achieves accurate descriptions well because he own narration makes up for where the dialogue of the characters leaves off. Most of the characters, Alphas included, do not openly use educated vocabulary due to their limited conditioning and absence of literature. Their days are so scheduled that they do not have time to simply pleasure read. The fear is that desires of freedom, such as Bernard's, will tear apart the World State. Huxley must think like an unknowing cast to add to the element of totalitarianism.

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