Friday, August 12, 2011


"'Civilization is Sterilization,' I used to say to them."  Pg. 121

     Just as the Pavlovian method is still viable today, this adage, though not commonly heard, makes perfect sense. In a way, it is also somewhat sad. Linda, the girl the Director lost in the desert, has been with the savages for some time, and she mostly talks about the hardships of such an uncivilized place. What she took away from the World State was a habit of cleanliness and comfort. She shows no signs of longing for Thomakin (aka the Director). She goes on to explain how the women there took offense to her sleeping with their husbands, as if fidelity and love were trivial matters. The Reservation also empowers Bernard even more. After his brush with the Director, he feels motivated to think thoughts of emotion, just as the people of the Reservation live life each day.

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